July 31, 2007


In Belfast, Ireland, a Catholic priest, a Christian minister, a Jewish Rabbi, involved in a bull session. Suddenly, an angel appeared in front of them and said: "God endowed all of you. Ask a peace request and God will given it to you."
The Chistian minister said: "Let all the Catholic gone from this beautiful island, and there will be peace."
The Catholic priest said: "None of Chistian live in this holly Ireland, it will bring peace to this island."
"Dan what about you, rabbi?" the angel said, "Do you have your own request?"
"No," the rabbi. "Please pay attentetion on these two gentlemen request and I will be greatful!"

July 25, 2007


And Budha said:
"This land belongs to me, the kids belongs to me" - that's what a dumbbell said, he doesn't even know that he doesn't own himself.
You never really own a thing
You only hold it for a moment
If you can't release it, you will be handcuffed
Whatever your treasure
you have to hold it with your hand
like you grasp the water
Grasp it tight
and it will be lost
Admit it as yours
and you will taint it
and all of it will be yours for good

July 22, 2007

Three Factors

One time, a people ask Confucius, "What is the basic factors for a good goverment?"
Confucius said, "Food, weapon, and folk trust."
"But", the people said, "If you must release one of the three factors, which one will you release?"
"And if you have to release one from the two factor?"
"But without food, many people will die."
"Since age-old, death is a part of human life, but people that wasn't believe their leader is a calamity."

July 17, 2007

See the Fact

Tommy has just come from the beach.
"Are there kids at the beach?" his mother asked.
" Yes, there are" Tommy answered.
"Boys, or girls?"
"How do I know? They are not dressed."
They are not see what the fact, but they see what they practice to see.

July 7, 2007


Most of us watch people with judgement we've already give.
Manager: "You look tired. What's wrong?"
Staff: "Oh, I... no, you won't belive me then."
Manager: "Of course I will."
Staff: "No, I'm sure you won't believe"
Manager: "Really, I will believe, I promise u."
Staff: "I've been working too hard today."
Manager: "I don't believe it."


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