September 6, 2007


Seven crazy men were invited to festivities in a neighboring village. More than mildly intoxicated, they were staggering home toward their own village at night when it began to rain.
So they settled down for the night under a large banyan tree.
When they woke up the following morning, they rent the air with mourning and wailing. "What's the matter?" asked a passerby.
"Last night we huddled together under this tree and fell asleep, sir," said one of the crazy men. "On waking up this morning, we find our limbs all intertwined and we cannot distinguish the owners."
"Easily solved," said the traveler. "Give me a pin." He jabbed the pin sharply into the first leg he saw. "Ouch!" said one of the men. "There," said the traveler to the man, "that leg is yours." Then he pricked an arm. "Ouch!" said another, identifying himself as the owner of the arm. And so on, till the limbs were all disentangled and the crazy men went merrily
back to their village none the worse for their experience.

When your heart responds instinctively to other people's joys and sorrows, you will know you have lost your self and attained the experience of your "one-body-ness" with the human race - and love has finally arrived.

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