October 2, 2007


A man who took great pride in his lawn found himself with a large crop of dandelions. He tried every method he knew to get rid of them. Still they plagued him.

Finally he wrote the Department of Agriculture. He enumerated all the things he had tried and closed his letter with the question: "What shall I do now?"

In due course the reply came: "We suggest you learn to love them."

I too had a lawn I prided myself on sand I too was plagued with dandelions that I fought with every means in my power. So learning to love them was no easy matter.
I began by talking to them each day. Cordial. Friendly. They maintained a sullen silence. They were smarting from the war I had waged against them and were suspicious of my motives.
But it wasn't long before they smiled back. And relaxed. Soon we were good friends.
My lawn, of course, was ruined. But how attractive my garden became!

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