September 9, 2007

The Truth

When it was time to name their firstborn, a husband and wife began to quarrel. She wanted to name him after her father; he wanted to name him after his. They finally had recourse to
the Rabbi to settle their dispute.
"What is the name of your father?" the Rabbi asked the husband.
"And what was your father's name?" he asked the wife.
"The what's the problem?" said the confused Rabbi.
"You see, Rabbi," said the woman, "my father was a scholar and his father was a horse thief. How can I allow my son to be named after a man like that?"
The Rabbi gave this very serious thought for the problem was indeed a delicate one. He did not want one party to feel it had won and the other that it had lost. So he finally said, "This is what I suggest you do. Call the boy Abijah. Then wait and see if he becomes a scholar or a horse thief, and you will know after whom he was named."

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