October 9, 2007

The Soup of the Soup of the Duck

A relative once came to visit Nasruddin, bringing a duck as a gift.
So the bird was cooked and eaten.
Soon one guest after another began to call, each claiming to be a friend of the friend of "the man who brought you the duck."
Each one, of course, expected to be fed and housed on the strength of that hapless bird.
At length the mullah could stand it no longer. One day a stranger arrived at his house and said, "I am a friend of the friend of the kinsman who brought you the duck."
And, like the others, he sat down, expecting to be fed.
Nasruddin placed a bowl of steaming water before him. "What is this?" asked the stranger.
"This," said the mullah, "is the soup of the soup of the duck that was brought to me by your friend."

One hears of people who become the disciples of the disciples of the disciples of someone who had experienced the Divine.
How can you kiss through a messenger?

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